Recap: Games & Applications for Self-Management

On May 22nd, Ann Arbor Health Hacks was lucky enough to meet Rachna Govani and learn more about her popular application, Foodstand. Foodstand is a great way to achieve long-term healthy habits, a departure from the current culture of quick weight loss programs and extreme dieting. Sustainable healthy eating habits can affect your overall health in the long-run compared to exercise because “you can’t outrun a bad diet.”

Here are five things you need to know about Foodstand if you missed this meetup.

  1. The gamification approach to the app makes it fun, beneficial and competitive
  2. Don’t worry! Foodstand still allows you cheat days every now and then because what is life without a little bit of dessert?
  3. You can build a community of friends and family to remind you to continue eating healthy and hold you accountable
  4. There are always more levels to achieve and healthier habits to partake in.
  5. You can find a plethora of healthy, nutritious recipes or alternatives to enhance your diet

We are extremely thankful for having the opportunity to learn more about Foodstand, and how to achieve healthy eating habits through a fun gamification app. All the participants left with a better understanding why exercise cannot make up for a lack of nutrition.

This month’s happy hour was held at TinkerTech, a makerspace & electronic component retail store and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) education center that offers custom electronics design & software development service.

2018-08-20T22:25:34-04:00 August 20, 2018|