A2H2ā€™s 3rd Annual Hackathon

The overarching topic for the third annual Ann Arbor Health Hacks weekend, held June 22-24 2018 was ā€˜Making do: health in low resource settingsā€™ with a special track on transition into independence for young people with disabilities. Out of 105 accepted applicants and 49 mentors, and sponsors, 52 gathered for the Friday night opening [...]

2018-08-22T22:12:53-04:00 August 20, 2018|

Recap: Games & Applications for Self-Management

On May 22nd, Ann Arbor Health Hacks was lucky enough to meet Rachna Govani and learn more about her popular application, Foodstand. Foodstand is a great way to achieve long-term healthy habits, a departure from the current culture of quick weight loss programs and extreme dieting. Sustainable healthy eating habits can affect your overall [...]

2018-08-20T22:25:34-04:00 August 20, 2018|

Recap: Developing Biomedical Technology

On April 26, members of the Ann Arbor Health Hacks community came together at MI-HQ to learn about developing biomedical technology from Dr. Eric G. Meyer and Dr. Mansoon Nasir, assistant professors in the Biomedical Engineering program at Lawrence Technological University, where their work focuses on prototyping and entrepreneurship. The interactive session started with [...]

2018-05-12T13:17:42-04:00 May 12, 2018|

Recap: Transitioning into the Workplace with Autism: Challenges and Opportunities

Here are some resources shared by our 2018 partner and sponsor the University of Michigan Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center: Center on Technology and Disability: Succeeding on the Job: Using Technology to Boost the Skills Employers Want Organization for Autism Research Transition Planning On March 21, Ann Arbor Health Hacks hosted John Steudle of the [...]

2018-04-22T09:38:48-04:00 April 22, 2018|

Recap: Transitioning into Independence for Individuals with Disabilities

Here are some resources shared by our 2018 partner and sponsor the University of Michigan Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center: Center on Technology and Disability: Succeeding on the Job: Using Technology to Boost the Skills Employers Want Organization for Autism Research Transition Planning The topic of A2H2ā€™s February event was ā€œTransitioning into Independence for Individuals [...]

2018-04-22T09:43:43-04:00 March 14, 2018|

Recap: Ann Arbor Health Hackathon 2017

Sunday, June 25th the second annual Ann Arbor Health Hacks weekend concluded. If you werenā€™t able to attend, hereā€™s a quick rundown of all the fun you missed! Before we jump into the details, we wanted to first thank our sponsorship/ mentorship who helped make this second event such a success! We had 35 people [...]

2017-08-02T23:04:42-04:00 July 24, 2017|

A2H2ā€™s First Hackathon

On June 26, 2016 we hosted the first Ann Arbor Health Hacks weekend! We hacked in over 8,400 square feet of space and drank over 600 cups of coffee! There is so much we can tell you about that day, but a quick recap will have to do for now: Three keynote speakers kicked off [...]

2017-04-04T18:37:43-04:00 April 4, 2017|

From Hackathon to Start-up Success

Insights from Garry Choy Garry Choy and Mike Simmons started CredSimple two years ago, their idea initially stemming from a Healthcare Hackathon they attended in Boston in 2013. CredSimple provides credentialing services to physicisians, hospitals, and providers. Anyone that needs credentialing and uses this services saves hours and days of paperwork by filing through CredSimpleā€™s [...]

2018-03-14T22:01:44-04:00 February 1, 2017|

The Benefit of Hackathons

For many years the focus of hackathons was on the development of hardware and software for tech such as TechCrunchā€™s Disrupt Hackathon. Recently, however, this trend has begun to expand to appeal to a broader population with the inclusion of civic based hackathons such as MITā€™s Hacking Medicine. Developers, engineers, and designers are coming together [...]

2018-03-14T21:59:54-04:00 January 1, 2017|

Step One: Bringing the Community Together

A2H2 hosted its first Happy Hour on March 9th at Bar Louie in downtown Ann Arbor to spread the word about the healthcare hackathon* being held June 24 - 26. As a first step towards bringing people together for a weekend-long hackathon, we thought weā€™d bring some of them together for a couple of hours [...]

2017-01-02T22:52:33-05:00 January 1, 2017|